🚨 2023 Model Year boats coming in daily! Limited Supply. Please call to reserve one today!

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Industry leading pesonal water craft, year after year

Kawasaki Jet Skis have been around since 1971, and since their inception they have been the leading choice in the personal watercraft market. These PWC serve many purposes: racing, fishing, and cruising.

Jet Skis manufactured by Kawasaki are not short on power and speed, and they are priced very reasonably for this market. Maintenance is easy, and most repairs only require common tools. You can browse our in-stock lineup of new Kawasaki Jet Skis right here on our website.

If you are looking for a new or used jet ski in New Jersey, come see us at our newly renovated marina and showroom at 910 S Green Street in Tuckerton.

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New, used, and brokered boats and jetskis

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